
Flu Season Survival

I have been inundated with calls about the fear of flu; my feelings about flu are no different this year than any other! (For my views on flu vaccines see the Q&A section of my website). It’s true that this year the media has emphasized that several children have died, but we have not heard whether or not, as is probably the case, they were children who were already immune-compromised. It’s no accident that cold and flu season follow the holidays, when we all eat too much and too many of the wrong things, and get too little rest. Common sense guidelines in those areas and a few simple practices will prevent or minimize flu for the vast majority of people.


AH-CHOOSing Natural Health Care

Judging from the calls I've been receiving this must be that sniffly sneezy time of year. We all know that the first rule of health is to stop putting poisons into the body; it's interesting that cold and flu "season" comes right on the tail of all our holiday goodies!

Ideally, of course, the best way to deal with a cold is not to get it in the first place. Alas, life sometimes being less than ideal, I've been able to learn a little about how I can successfully deal with things like...


EmHERBency! All-Natural First Aid

With everybody on the run since school is back in session it felt like a good time to go over some quick fixes for everyday emergencies and ailments. Some of you may have seen my EmHerbency™ Kit at classes or in real use. This is the kit I've developed over the years to keep in my car and handy at home in lieu of the traditional "first aid" kit filled with over the counter symptom relievers. I have not run into something we couldn't handle with the kit in the last six years, even with our schedule and four kids.